普通 Variational assimilation of satellite cloud water/ice path and microphysics scheme sens... 科研进展 [2016.11.28]
普通 Improving the Predictability of Severe Convective Weather Processes by Using Wind Vecto... 科研进展 [2016.11.28]
普通 Radar cross-section measurements of ice particles using vector network analyzer 科研进展 [2016.11.28]
普通 Relationship between the variation in horizontal vorticity and heavy rain during the pr... 科研进展 [2016.10.17]
普通 Impacts of meteorological condition and aerosol chemical compositions on visibility imp... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Sprite produced by consecutive impulse charge transfers following a negative stroke: Ob... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Will the Tibetan Plateau warming depend on elevation in the future? 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 CMIP5 permafrost degradation projection: A comparison among different regions 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Nonlinear effects of anthropogenic aerosol and urban land surface forcing on spring cli... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Factors Controlling the Interannual Variations of MJO Intensity 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 What Controls Early or Late Onset of Tropical North Atlantic Hurricane Season? 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Features of Rossby Wave Propagation Associated with the Evolution of Summertime Blockin... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 A parameterization scheme for upward lightning in the cloud model and a discussion of t... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Occurrence conditions of positive cloud-to-ground flashes in severe thunderstorms 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 The colors of biomass burning aerosols in the atmosphere 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 AMSR2 all-sky radiance assimilation and its impact on the analysis and forecast of Hurr... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 A Statistical Analysis of Steady Eyewall Sizes Associated with Rapidly Intensifying Hur... 科研进展 [2016.09.30]
普通 Projecting water yield and ecosystem productivity across the United States by linking a... 科研进展 [2016.09.24]
普通 Observed trend of diurnal temperature range in the Tibetan Plateau in recent decades 科研进展 [2016.09.24]
普通 Seasonal prediction of the East Asian summer monsoon with a partial-least square model 科研进展 [2016.09.24]
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