近年来,随着全球变暖进一步加剧,欧亚大陆前春冷空气活动频繁、极端温度事件频发且灾害性强,给自然环境、人类生活和社会经济等方面均造成了极大威胁。近日,李惠心副教授(通讯作者)和其硕士研究生袁嫄(第一作者)等探讨了3月欧亚大陆地表温度的分布特征及其可能的影响机制,相关成果发表于期刊《Atmospheric Research》。

Fig. 1. (a–c) The spatial distribution of the first S-EOF mode of Eurasian surface air temperature (from March to May) and (d) the corresponding normalized PC time series (PC1) of springtime during 1979–2022

Fig. 2. Regression maps of March geopotential height (shading; gpm) of (a) 300 hPa horizontal, (b) vertical-horizontal cross-section averaged along 40°–60°W, and (c) vertical-horizontal cross-section averaged along 40°–65°E with regard to the normalized S-EOF PC1 during 1979–2022 and the associated wave activity flux (vectors; m2·s-2). The dotted indicate the regression coefficients significant at the 90% confidence level based on the Student’s t-test
Yuan, Y., Li, H. X., Sun, B., Wang, H. J., He, S. P., Li, F., Li, H., 2024: Joint influence of the North Atlantic sea surface temperature and the Barents sea-ice concentration on the dipole pattern of Eurasian surface air temperature in March. Atmospheric Research, 305, 107446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107446.