
Precipitation Climatology over Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi of China in June

作者:重点实验室  发布时间:2016/07/10 10:27:04  浏览量:


Precipitation Climatology over Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi of China in June


Huang Wei; Zhai Guoqing; Gao Shouting; Shen Xinyong; Li Xiaofan


Climatology of precipitation and associated circulations over southern Zhejiang, northern Fujian and eastern Jiangxi (ZFJ) of China is examined based on the analysis of observational precipitation data and NCEP Reanalysis data from 1971 to 2013. The maximum rainfall over ZFJ occurs in the second ten days of June, which is associated with southwesterly winds in the lower troposphere. The analysis of rainfall amount averaged over ZFJ in the second ten days of June shows the seven strong rainfall years, in which rainfall amount anomalies are larger than one standard deviation. The rainfall in the second ten days over ZFJ for the strong rainfall years is associated with enhanced southwesterly winds in the lower troposphere and strengthened westerly winds in the upper troposphere. Torrential rainfall events occur more frequently during 1991-2013 than during 1971-1990.

Huang, W., Zhai, G., Gao, S., Shen, X., & Li, X. (2016). Precipitation climatology over zhejiang, fujian and jiangxi of china in june.Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere Sola,12, 70-74.

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