
Modulation of the Northern Winter Stratospheric El Nino-Southern Oscillation Teleconnection by the PDO

作者:重点实验室  发布时间:2019/10/28 13:37:03  浏览量:


Modulation of the Northern Winter Stratospheric El Nino-Southern Oscillation Teleconnection by the PDO


Rao Jian,Garfinkel Chaim I.,Ren Rongcai


Using the CMIP5 multimodel ensemble (MME) historical experiments, the modulation of the stratospheric El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnection by the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) is investigated in this study. El Nino (La Nina) significantly impacts the extratropical stratosphere mainly during the positive (negative) PDO in the MME. Although the composite tropical ENSO SST intensities are similar during the positive and negative PDO in models, the Pacific-North American (PNA) responses are only significant when the PDO and ENSO are in phase. The local SST anomalies in the North Pacific can constructively (destructively) interfere with the tropical ENSO forcing to influence the extratropical eddy height anomalies when the PDO and ENSO are in (out of) phase. The difference between the positive and negative PDO in El Nino or La Nina winters filters out the tropical SST forcing, permitting the deduction of the extratropical SST contribution to the atmospheric response. The composite shows that the cold (warm) SST anomalies in the central North Pacific associated with the positive (negative) PDO have a similar impact to that of the warm (cold) SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific, exhibiting a positive (negative) PNA-like response, enhancing (weakening) the upward propagation of waves over the western coast of North America. The composite difference between the positive and negative PDO in El Nino or La Nina winters, as well as in eastern Pacific ENSO or central Pacific ENSO winters, presents a highly consistent atmospheric response pattern, which may imply a linear interference of the PDO's impact with ENSO's.

DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0087.1

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