

作者:  发布时间:2024/11/08 10:34:00  浏览量:

International Workshop on Weather and Climate Extreme Events

——Inaugural Meeting of the WCRP GEP Working Group on Event Attribution

First Announcement


During November 25-29, 2024, the WCRP Global Extremes Platform (GEP) will host the International Workshop on Weather and Climate Extreme Events——Inaugural Meeting of the WCRP GEP Working Group on Event Attribution, at Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), Nanjing, China.

The themes of the workshop cover topics relevant to weather and climate extreme events (suggested, but not exclusive). We place a special emphasis on understanding changes in extreme events, their attribution, impact, and associated risk.

The purpose of the workshop is to facilitate timely exchanges of ideas and findings on recent research into weather and climate extreme events, while fostering coordination and collaboration among various groups and individuals. The workshop further aims to develop a work plan for the WCRP GEP Working Group on Event Attribution, enabling it to deliver its mandate of leading strategic discussions within the community on the direction of event attribution research, reviewing existing literature and practices, and developing technical guidance on the methods and interpretation of event attribution.

2.    VENUE

Meteorological Building, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China.

3.    AGENDA

November 25: International Workshop on Weather and Climate Extreme Events (invited open talks).

November 26-29: Inaugural Meeting of the WCRP GEP Working Group on Event Attribution (closed sessions).


For those who plan to attend the workshop, please finish online registration via scanning the QR code below at your earliest convenience.

• Registration deadline: November 14, 2024


The Global Extremes Platform (GEP) builds upon and integrates activities on weather and climate extremes across WCRP. It is designed to make a contribution to improving the ways of delivering science, information, and data concerning extremes in a well-synthesized format for the climate research community, policymakers, and other users of climate science. To achieve this, GEP is developing a public-facing database that provides global extreme indices data products derived from station observations, reanalysis products, and model simulations. GEP has established a Working Group on Event Attribution that aims at developing expert guidance to ensure event attribution information, particularly in an operational context, is clear, robust, and consistent. With support from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), the WCRP Global Extremes Platform Support Unit (GEP-SU) was officially established on November 28, 2022 in Nanjing, China.

GEP focuses on three main themes:

• Extreme Indices

• Event Attribution

• Assessment of Weather and Climate Extremes


If you have any requests and/or questions concerning arrangements for the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the following LOC members.

Ying Han

GEP-SU coordination officer

E-mail: ying.han@nuist.edu.cn

Qiaohong Sun

GEP-SU science officer

E-mail: sunqh@nuist.edu.cn




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