
特邀德国国家气象局兼慕尼黑大学资深科学家Leonhard Scheck作学术报告——大气•风云讲坛(2023年第12期)

作者:  发布时间:2023/06/01 14:18:45  浏览量:

报告题目:Using solar satellite images for numerical weather prediction

报告专家:Dr. Leonhard Scheck


会议形式:ZOOM-线上会议(会议ID: 329 593 0089, 会议密码:87654321)


主持人:曾跃飞 教授


Dr. Leonhard Scheck, Senior scientist at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and the University of Munich (LMU), Germany. PhD at Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. Since 2020, he is director for data assimilation branch of Hans Ertel Centre at LMU. So far he has published more than 40 articles, with more than 2500 citations. Recently, he has received world-wide attention for his work in developing forward operators for visible and near-infrared channels and in assimilation of those data.


Until recently, solar satellite images could not be assimilated directly for operational purposes, as fast and accurate forward operators for computing synthetic images from NWP model states were missing. Here I will discuss the design of fast forward operators for solar satallite channels that have been developed in the last ten years. As multiple scattering dominates in the solar spectral range, radiative transfer (RT) computations with standard methods are complex and slow. However, by using look-up table and neural network-based approaches, the computations can be accelerated by orders of magnitude. I will also discuss two ways to use the forward operator to improve forecasts. First, by comparing observed and synthetic satellite images, systematic errors in the model clouds can be detected, which causes severe problems for data assimilation. Second, I will show how assimilation of visible satellite images in regional models improves forecasts. In particular the reduction of errors in the cloud distribution and the surface radiation will be discussed.









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